Dear Friends,
Much to my embarrassment I completely forgot last summer to request deacon nominations for this coming year. Honestly, I thought I had done it. It seems like only yesterday that I was pouring over the list of nominees. Please forgive this oversight and send in your nominations before the end of Sunday, January 30. You may do that electronically by clicking on the link in this newsletter or you may drop them in the box provided this Sunday morning.
As your think about who to nominate, please consider the following:
FrBC Deacon Qualifications:
FrBC Church Constitution:
- Professing, baptized believer for at least 5 years
- 25 years or Older
- An active church member for at least 1 year (12 calendar months)
- Honorable, true servants of God who encourage unity
- Conform in character and practice to 1 Tim 3:8-13, Acts 6:1-6
1 Tim. 3:8-13:
- Male
- Well Respected
- Known for Integrity and Honesty
- Not a lover of money
- Not heavy drinkers
- Committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ (born-again)
- Have a clear conscience (through confession and forgiveness of sins)
- Their wives should be well respected, not slanderers (gossips) exhibiting self-control and faithfulness in all they do.
- Faithful to one wife
- Manages his children and household well.
Acts 6:1-7:
- Servant
- Leader
- Protector of the pastor’s time and ministry
- Teacher
- Evangelist
- Bold witness
Additional Scriptural Considerations:
Titus 3:
- Subject to rulers and authorities (Law abiding)
- Obedient
- Devoted to doing good
- Not a slanderer / gossip (honest)
- Peaceful, Considerate and Humble (not argumentative)
- Willing and able to confront sin in the congregation
Acts 20:17-21
- Servant Attitude
- Transparent Integrity
- Godly Character
- Faithful Biblical Teacher
Other Logical Considerations:
- Hold fast to the Truth and Reliability of God’s Word above all
- Regular Attenders (as much as possible) to FrBC services and events
- Financial supporters of FrBC in accordance with Biblical mandate
- Promoters and supporters of FrBC, its pastor and ministries
- A unifier not a divider
- Reliable
These are the qualities that I will be considering as I move through the list of nominations that you, the church body, provide. I trust that you will make your nominations carefully and prayerfully.
Again, I am sorry that this important operation in our church life was missed. I’ve already put it on my calendar for next year! Thank you for taking the time to consider the men of our church and to nominate those whom you feel will faithfully fulfil the office of deacon.
Only by Grace!
Pastor Mike