Meet our Team

Mike Bowles │Pastor
Pastor Mike joined Frederica Baptist Church on September 1, 2019. He is a native Virginian but has also lived in Texas, Maryland, North Carolina and Thailand. He’s excited to now call himself a Georgian!
Mike received the free eternal gift of salvation at the age of eight and has served his Lord in many ways ever since. He earned his Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his family served as missionaries for three years with the International Mission Board in Thailand before returning to the U.S. and entering pastoral ministry. Mike and his wife, Amy, have three grown sons, two wonderful daughters-in-law and two amazing grandchildren. They are super excited to be living and serving on St. Simons Island so close to the beach which is their happy place!
Mike has always loved the promise given to Joshua as he was stepping into leadership: 
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)
Paul Reed
Associate Pastor and Minister of Music
Paul began serving as Minister of Music at Frederica on September 1, 2008. A native of Arkansas, Bro. Paul earned a Bachelor of Music from Ouachita Baptist University, and a Master of Music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has been serving in the ministry since 1990 with churches in Arkansas, Texas, Alabama, Florida, and now here in Georgia.

Paul and his wife, Debbie, were married in 1991. They have two sons. Cameron is the oldest, Connor, their youngest, is a high school graduate and plays bass guitar in the worship ensemble.

Cameron Reed
Associate Pastor of Student Ministries

Cameron came on staff at Frederica in March of 2021. He earned his bachelors degree in Music and Worship Leadership from Charleston Southern University in 2016. God gave him a passion for discipling students and he has been serving students for the last 7 years.


Cameron met his wife, Brett, while serving as summer missionaries at Golden Isles Ministries in Brunswick in 2013 and they were married in 2016. Their beautiful daughter, Jordan, was born in January of 2020. Their son Jackson was born in May of 2023. 

Karen Sharp
Karen joined the staff of Frederica Baptist Church as the Administrative Assistant on May 1, 2018. Karen comes from an extensive background in Administration, having served the late Dr. Charles Stanley at In Touch Ministries, the late Gerald Derstine at Christian Retreat, Germaine Copeland of Word Ministries and other Atlanta area ministries and churches.
Karen enjoys writing, singing, photography and art, all of which she uses to glorify God. Currently Karen is raising her granddaughter, Grace, who is an amazing joy and precious gift from God.
Gloria Haskins
Gloria began serving as Frederica’s pianist in January 2003 after an eight-year tenure as pianist for First Baptist Church, St. Simons Island, Georgia.
Gloria received a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Carson-Newman University and received a Master of Science in Education from the University of Tennessee. Following a thirty-nine year teaching career, she retired from full-time teaching in 2011.