
Frederica Baptist Church is a “Praying Church.” Prayer is God’s gift to us so that we can communicate with Him directly. The Bible is clear that our prayers are precious to our holy and loving God.
“They were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.” Revelation 5:8b

Worship Service Prayer Team Ι 9:30 a.m. Ι Sundays

Each Sunday morning, during the worship service, designated individuals pray in a quiet area of the church building. These Prayer Warriors are lifting up the pastor, the musicians, the choir, the technicians, the congregation and every person participating in the corporate worship of our Lord and King Jesus Christ. Our overarching prayer is that anyone in the audience or watching the video will come to know Jesus as their Savior.

Weekday Prayer Team Ι 10:30 a.m.Ι Wednesdays

Our Prayer Team meets to pray for our church, our church family, our community and our nation. During this time many specific needs and praises are lifted up to our Almighty God. This is a time where our prayer warriors can very thoughtfully and specifically express our appreciation for what we have and also needs we bring before God.

❏ Frederica Prayer Time Ι 5:45 p.m. Ι Wednesdays

Adults gather on Wednesday evenings during the school year to devote special time to corporate prayer. During the summer break, prayer is on our own with our families. The needs of those on our prayer list are intentionally prayed for as well as the needs of those present. Being a house of prayer for all nations leads us to pray over local missions through Good News Clubs, members involved in national and international mission trips, our missionaries and current areas of need globally. We deeply believe God hears and answers prayer according to His will.

Prayer Requests Ι Ongoing 

At Frederica Baptist Church, we desire to pray for others as needed. Prayer Request Cards are available in the sanctuary during worship hours. Those in need may also call or email the church office with specific prayer requests. This website offers a quick link to fill out a prayer request that is sent immediately to the church office.