Deacon Qualifications of Frederica Baptist Church
FrBC Church Constitution:
- Professing, baptized believer for at least 5 years
- 25 years or Older
- An active church member for at least 1 year (12 calendar months)
- Honorable, true servants of God who encourage unity
- Conform in character and practice to 1 Tim 3:8-13, Acts 6:1-6
1 Timothy 3:8-13:
- Male
- Well Respected
- Known for Integrity and Honesty
- Not a lover of money
- Not heavy drinkers
- Committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ (born-again)
- Have a clear conscience (through confession and forgiveness of sins
- Their wives should be well respected, not slanderers (gossips) exhibiting self-control and faithfulness in all they do.
- Faithful to one wife
- Manages his children and household well.
Acts 6:1-7:
- Servant
- Leader
- Protector of the pastor’s time and ministry
- Teacher
- Evangelist
- Bold witness
Additional Scriptural Considerations:
Titus 3:
- Subject to rulers and authorities (Law abiding)
- Obedient
- Devoted to doing good
- Not a slanderer / gossip (honest)
- Peaceful, Considerate and Humble (not argumentative)
- Willing and able to confront sin in the congregation
Acts 20:17-21:
- Servant Attitude
- Transparent Integrity
- Godly Character
- Faithful Biblical Teacher
Other Logical Considerations:
- Hold fast to the Truth and Reliability of God’s Word above all
- Regular Attenders (as much as possible) to FrBC services and events
- Financial supporters of FrBC in accordance with Biblical mandate
- Promoters and supporters of FrBC, its pastor and ministries
- A unifier not a divider
- Reliable